I'm feeling brain dead. Below is a portion of a menu array my drop-down menu is based on. Currently each menu item is defaulted to another menu, but I actually want each menu item to open it's corresponding page in the site. For example, the menu item "How To Find Us" needs to open the site page "find_us.htm". What do I replace the language "show-menu=generalnews" with?
,"How To Find Us","show-menu=generalnews",,,1
,"The Commission","show-menu=technonews",,,1
,"Comprehensive Plan","show-menu=search",,"",1
,"Open Meetings & Records","show-menu=search",,"",1
I was shocked by the sudden realization that something was terribly right.
,"How To Find Us","show-menu=generalnews",,,1
,"The Commission","show-menu=technonews",,,1
,"Comprehensive Plan","show-menu=search",,"",1
,"Open Meetings & Records","show-menu=search",,"",1
I was shocked by the sudden realization that something was terribly right.