I am using sendmail as a means to block spam. We have an old 400 MHz PC with 384 Mb of RAM. We use this computer to accept the mail into our organization and relay it to our Domino server. We do this because the Domino server is too old to use DNS Blacklists and we don't have the money to upgrade it for that. The problem is that when I boot up slack, free -omt will report 85 M used and 291M free. The next day or 16 hrs later it will read 275M used 101M free. and it will continue to shrink. When I do "ps aux" or "top" it doesn't report anything using that much memory. I also had this problem with Redhat 9 and sendmail 8.12.8. I thought it was spamassassin doing it but I was wrong because I turned it off and it still persisted. So I moved to Slack and it is still doing it.