Dear All :
I have a strange Application working from my server - everytime this application is starting it open 2 processes and each one is occupying 40 Mbytes which means that I have always 80 MBytes utilized by only one application ...
I need a software or a system to limit this application to only use 1 process when starting or at least kill the other unused process ...
any ideas ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
I have a strange Application working from my server - everytime this application is starting it open 2 processes and each one is occupying 40 Mbytes which means that I have always 80 MBytes utilized by only one application ...
I need a software or a system to limit this application to only use 1 process when starting or at least kill the other unused process ...
any ideas ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]