I have a client that is using a memo field (>254 char.) on a report. The memo has text and dollar amounts they want to omit. Of course, memo fields are not available to formulas in Crystal 8.5 so I devised a way around it. I created a SQL view that broke the memo field into multiple text fields of 254 characters. I then could apply a formula to each field to remove characters that were in between left and right square brackets. Then "piece" the memo field back together again by using multiple fields in a text box. My conundrum is this, if a left bracket is located at the end of a text field and the matching right bracket is located at the beginning of the next text field, the text is not omitted in the second field. Just like a word processors "widow/orphan" syndrome. Here is the formula I use on each of the 45 fields using basic syntax:
Any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated.
--James Harrington
Dim StringInput as string
Dim LeftBracket as string
Dim RightBracket as string
StringInput = {xvr_sNotes.Text1}
LeftBracket = chr(91)
RightBracket = chr(93)
Dim StringLength as number
Dim Increment as number
Dim Output as string
Dim Include as number
StringLength = Length(StringInput)
Include = 1
Do until Increment = StringLength
Increment = Increment + 1
If StringInput(Increment) = LeftBracket then Include = 0
If StringInput(Increment) = RightBracket then Include = 1
If Include = 1 and StringInput(Increment) <> RightBracket then Output = Output + StringInput(Increment) Else Output = Output + " "
Formula = Output
Any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated.
--James Harrington