Here is the situation. I have a form with an EditBox in it (where the user can enter a description about a problem, which can sometimes be lengthy so I do not want to limit the entry people and entering their data). The data which is entered in the EditBox is saved in a Memo Field (called DESC) in my DBF. Now, I have a nice Report which prints all the data in my dbf. This report is given to my technicians and they go on the road to solve the problem. However, I have a problem with the Report when it gets printed. The report field for DESC is a fixed box so sometimes the actual data entered will get cut off when the report gets printed. Is there any way of put an indicator of some sorts on the report in that field saying the "More Notes In System...) so that the when the print the report, the see there are more notes so they can go in the system and look-up the the order and then view all the notes. You know what I mean?
Any help?
Here is the situation. I have a form with an EditBox in it (where the user can enter a description about a problem, which can sometimes be lengthy so I do not want to limit the entry people and entering their data). The data which is entered in the EditBox is saved in a Memo Field (called DESC) in my DBF. Now, I have a nice Report which prints all the data in my dbf. This report is given to my technicians and they go on the road to solve the problem. However, I have a problem with the Report when it gets printed. The report field for DESC is a fixed box so sometimes the actual data entered will get cut off when the report gets printed. Is there any way of put an indicator of some sorts on the report in that field saying the "More Notes In System...) so that the when the print the report, the see there are more notes so they can go in the system and look-up the the order and then view all the notes. You know what I mean?
Any help?