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measuring download time for a *.pdf file

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Sep 20, 2006
I'm pretty new to unix having previously worked with java.

Anyway here is my problem. I wrote an app in java that takes as input a text file with a list of url's. These urls all point to reports that are in a *.pdf format. My app calculated the time it took for each report to download. Basically I used a while loop that read each byte of the file until I got to the end of the file. A timestamp was used either side of this process. By getting the difference between the timestamps I could calculate how long it took for the file to download.
So my question is how do I contruct a .ksh script to do something similar. Ideally I would run the script from a few different locations to get an idea of how fast/slow my network connection is.

Time to google me thinks...

The [tt]time[/tt] built-in command will tell you the duration of the command it get as parameter on [tt]bash[/tt] and [tt]ksh[/tt] :
time wget -i /input/file_with_pdf_report_urls
Not sure if this is what you want.

So there is not way to call a website even from unix, thats a pity. Not sure how I'm going to convert my java app to what I thought would be a simple shell script .... .....


buxtonicer1 said:
way to call a website
Sorry to say it, but this is kind of kitchen language. You get better help if you discribe you problem with professional terms.

If you want to download a file/site, you can use a lot of downloaders and programs suitable for download : [tt]wget[/tt], [tt]curl[/tt], [tt]httrack[/tt], [tt]lynx[/tt], [tt]GET[/tt], [tt]netcat[/tt], etc. All those can de used in your shell script.

But if you already have the Java application, why not use it ?

Its just I'm new to UNIX and appreciate that it has very powerful tools / functions and commands. Its just that I thought that I could copy my script to a box in a different location, run the script and see how long the files take to dl.

Those tools you mentioned - are they standard with the korn shell or are they added extras

buxtonicer1 said:
Those tools you mentioned - are they standard with the korn shell or are they added extras
Sorry, I use Linux, no idea about Unix standards.

One thing is sure : [tt]GET[/tt] is part of the [tt]perl[/tt] so if you have [tt]perl[/tt] installed, you have [tt]GET[/tt] too. And also [tt]POST[/tt] and [tt]HEAD[/tt].

I would bet on [tt]wget[/tt]. That is old and popular. Most probably you have it.
buxtonicer1 said:
run the script and see how long the files take to dl

A simple download, can be executed from command line ( should be one line ) :
while read one; do echo "$one"; time GET "$one" > "${one##*/}"; done < /input/url_list.txt
This reads the input file line by line and tries to download each one, then outputs the time spent. Basic, no error checking.

ya - perl, I like the sound of that, surely perl can be called from the .ksh and that can help me do what I want
1. while read one;
2. do echo "$one";
3. time GET "$one" > "${one##*/}";
4. done < /input/url_list.txt

What does this code mean - I'm new to this remember :)

1./2. do while loop , is read one significant , is one the value of each url ?

3. one##* not sure what that means

4. Is this where you read from the list of urls

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w
### Language: PERL 5

#require "G:\\Shared\\Microbank\\Bin\\Library.perl";

time GET "
this file is called download_time.pl with permissions 700
, when I do

prompt=> download_time.pl and hit return at the command

I get the following errors

Bareword found where operator expected at download_time.pl line 14, near "time GET"
(Do you need to predeclare time?)
syntax error at download_time.pl line 14, near "time GET "
String found where operator expected at download_time.pl line 14, near "GET " (Do you need to predeclare GET?)
Execution of download_time.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

[gray]# do a loop while the condition id true[/gray]
[gray]# read on line of text from input and place it in variable one[/gray]
while read one; do
[gray]# print to the standard output the line currently processed[/gray]
echo "$one"
[gray]# GET from the given ( hopefully ) URL and redirect the output to the file[/gray]
[gray]# ( the file name is the part afteer last slash ( / ) of the URL[/gray]
time GET "$one" > "${one##*/}"
[gray]# end of while loop[/gray]
[gray]# take the input from the the given file[/gray]
done < /input/url_list.txt
buxtonicer1 said:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w
### Language: PERL 5

#require "G:\\Shared\\Microbank\\Bin\\Library.perl";

time GET "www.google.ie"
Wrong. The [tt]GET[/tt] is an executable, written in [tt]perl[/tt]. So you can use it from command line or a shell script :

time GET "example.com"
If you want to use it in a [tt]perl[/tt] script, then use it like external executable :
exec 'time GET "example.com"';
If you want all in [tt]perl[/tt] you can use the same [tt]LWP[/tt] module as [tt]GET[/tt] use.

On a couple of Red Hat systems I checked GET seems to be a part of the perl-lib package, not perl itself. On Solaris GET doesn't usually seem to be installed.

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