What I need to do is make sure that all text in child windows is saved, if the user shuts down the Application.
Delphi help suggests using onclosequery to do this.
so we must attempt to close all the childern to trigger this event.
If one of the child window is active when selecting Exit.
It must then shut down all the others. this is why I had a looping structure in the main unit to close all the children 'cafree' is set true in all cases.
But I still get an exception, I have always assumed that this because the child form calls a main form procedure and this then returns to code that has been freed.
What I need to do is make sure that all text in child windows is saved, if the user shuts down the Application.
Delphi help suggests using onclosequery to do this.
so we must attempt to close all the childern to trigger this event.
If one of the child window is active when selecting Exit.
It must then shut down all the others. this is why I had a looping structure in the main unit to close all the children 'cafree' is set true in all cases.
But I still get an exception, I have always assumed that this because the child form calls a main form procedure and this then returns to code that has been freed.