The main programming languages, such as Visual Basic, have methods to work with mdb files. If this is what you are looking for, have a look in the Help system for the language, for e.g. CreateDatabase Method. This will give you mroe information.
MDB files are not all the same. You can for example read and write mdbs with Ability Office Database. However the forms etc will not be transferable to Access. What requirements do you have? Is it just data or an application?
The tables - you can use several things to build. If you mean a query as something that creates a recordset, then again you have options but how you want to see that query will determine what package you need. Access is something that provides applications services for mdb files.
How do you envisage people will see the query results?
I thought to use 2 sodtware, one is to create the tables and the other (someting like SQL) to create the query
mayby there is a way to convert CSV file to MDB file?
You are, so far, just talking about building tables and using SQL for queries. Whatever you plan to do, you need software tools.
SQL is just a generic language - it doesn't do anything by itself.
"mdb" files, exclusive of access, is just one of many back end software products for manipulating data - from some other language.
I just need to create some tables to use it for ASP,I know that I can use EXCEL for it but I would like to use a database to create a query but not on the asp, i would like to use the query that I created on the ASP
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