Should you wait a while between exams? For example, if you've been studying simultaneously for 2 exams, and you get ready for both of them round about the same time, is it a good idea (or not stupid) to schedule one after the other, with say a 3 day gap?
That depends on you. If you feel adequately prepared, take them back to back.
I know a few people who have taken multiple exams the same day. One colleague took 3 exams back-to-back-to-back. He was at the testing center for 5+ straight hours. Jon Hawkins
If you are taking related exams it is best to take them close together as there is some cross-over in them. A good exam is the desktop and distributed exams for the MCSD. They have a few shared subject areas. Same with the two SQL Server exams.
Its really down to how much time you have to prepare and also how comfortable you are with the subject matter. Think back to your schooling and university days and consider how you coped with back to bakc exams if you had any.
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