I was wondering if anyone else faces this problem or could help me on it.
I am using the MCIsendCommand to open a recording device (the mic) record and save.
Everything is successful till the save portion. I use this: mciSendCommand(wDeviceID,MCI_SAVE,MCI_SAVE_FILE|MCI_WAIT,(DWORD)(DPVOID*)&lpfilename);
A save is actually done and a wavefile with name corresponding to the lpfilename struct is created and can be player with winamp. However, the command does not return comtrol to my main program. and when i invoke the recording function again, it tells me the devicename is still in use and to use another alias. This is not practical if i have to do it for like 100 recordings then i would need 100 unique DeviceIDs.
BTW i placed my function in the CView class and the record function is invoked with a onKeyDown. I have tried with menu too and faced the same thing. Can anyone help?
I was wondering if anyone else faces this problem or could help me on it.
I am using the MCIsendCommand to open a recording device (the mic) record and save.
Everything is successful till the save portion. I use this: mciSendCommand(wDeviceID,MCI_SAVE,MCI_SAVE_FILE|MCI_WAIT,(DWORD)(DPVOID*)&lpfilename);
A save is actually done and a wavefile with name corresponding to the lpfilename struct is created and can be player with winamp. However, the command does not return comtrol to my main program. and when i invoke the recording function again, it tells me the devicename is still in use and to use another alias. This is not practical if i have to do it for like 100 recordings then i would need 100 unique DeviceIDs.
BTW i placed my function in the CView class and the record function is invoked with a onKeyDown. I have tried with menu too and faced the same thing. Can anyone help?