we have:
server: legato nw server 7.0
client: lgto nmo 3.5 on oracle 9.2
both on tru64 5.1b
we have 160/320 SDLT tapes (320 MAX GB compressed capacity).
Nw server reports we have 500+GB on a few volumes.
We had been using unix compression directives but still
that seems physically impossible to have that much data on a tape.
any one else seen this?
is this b/c a tablespace may be 100MB but only have 50MB of actual data in it? so nw may report the fact that more data
is actually backed up?
we have:
server: legato nw server 7.0
client: lgto nmo 3.5 on oracle 9.2
both on tru64 5.1b
we have 160/320 SDLT tapes (320 MAX GB compressed capacity).
Nw server reports we have 500+GB on a few volumes.
We had been using unix compression directives but still
that seems physically impossible to have that much data on a tape.
any one else seen this?
is this b/c a tablespace may be 100MB but only have 50MB of actual data in it? so nw may report the fact that more data
is actually backed up?