What is the maximum cable distance between two switchs, for pri? I am using an NT5D12A in an OPT61c to a new Cisco switch. The distance between buildings is roughly 300 feet.
i wouldn't expect one to stay stable over 100 feet, point to point over a cat 5... that said i tested one in a lab with a 500 ft spool of cat 5 and it did stay up, very low traffic for over a week without a hit in the lcnt table..
5000 feet is great for load coils, or repeaters from the co, but they use cat 3, usually 16 or 18 gauge.. one thing they do is put transmit and rec in 2 dfferent binders... using the 1st 17 pair for transmit and the last 17 for trnasmit.. pair 25 was used for ground and pair 26 for a talk pair, called the autowire.. that is very dated information.. i haven't installed repeaters since the 70;s..
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