There can be up to 3 DTI on a MICS: 2 in the KSU and 1 in a TM. A DTI in a TM is only supported in Profiles 1 and 4. In Profiles 1 and 4, it gives you to 69 channels (1 to 23, 31 to 53 and 61 to 83). In Profile 3, it gives you to 46 channels (1 to 23 and 31 to 53). In Profile 2, it gives you to 60 channels (1 to 30 and 31 to 60).
A MICS (32 built-in DNs) with 2 6-port expansion cartridges will allow you to attach 12 SMs (16 DNs each). It leads you to 224 DNs. Having 2 6-port expansion cartridges requires the XC software, which has 224 target lines (157 to 380).
If you use a TM for a third DTI, there will be ports left for 11 SMs. It leaves you 208 DNs.
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