From the VFP Help file. Your answer is 255.
Try creating 2 or 3 tables with One-To-One relations
Feature Capacity
Maximum # of records per table file. 1 billion
Maximum size of a table file. 2 gigabytes
Maximum size of an FPT file. 2 gigabytes
Maximum # of characters per record. 65,500
Maximum # of fields per record1. 255
Maximum # of tables open at one time2. 65,535
Maximum # of characters per table field. 254
Maximum # of bytes per index key in a non-compact index3. 100
Maximum # of bytes per index key in a compact index3. 240
Maximum # of open index files per table2. Limited by available memory
Maximum # of open indexes in all work areas2. Limited by available memory
Maximum # of relations. Limited by available memory
Maximum length of relational expressions. Limited by available memory
Feature Capacity
Maximum size of character fields. 254
Maximum size of numeric and float fields. 20
Maximum number of characters in field names in a free table. 10
Maximum number of characters in field names for a table contained in a database. 128
Minimum value of an integer. -2,147,483,647
Maximum value of an integer. 2,147,483,647
Digits of precision in numeric computations. Visual FoxPro can handle numbers up to 9007199254740992 (2^53) in exact computations. 16
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