This mql print bus command works on the command line but fails in the following tcl script. CONTEXT is set and the Type, Name, Rev vars are loading properly.
set iobj [mql temp query bus Part 70823394* * where 'revision == last' select id description dump : recordseparator |]
set jobj [ split $iobj |]
foreach item $jobj {
set mType [lindex [ split $item : ] 0 ]
set mName [lindex [ split $item : ] 1 ]
set mRev [lindex [ split $item : ] 2 ]
set mExp [mql print bus ${mType} ${mName} ${mRev} dump |]
thanks in advance.
This mql print bus command works on the command line but fails in the following tcl script. CONTEXT is set and the Type, Name, Rev vars are loading properly.
set iobj [mql temp query bus Part 70823394* * where 'revision == last' select id description dump : recordseparator |]
set jobj [ split $iobj |]
foreach item $jobj {
set mType [lindex [ split $item : ] 0 ]
set mName [lindex [ split $item : ] 1 ]
set mRev [lindex [ split $item : ] 2 ]
set mExp [mql print bus ${mType} ${mName} ${mRev} dump |]
thanks in advance.