Technical User
I want to assign the first row of a matrix to a vector of the same type.How can i do it?
TYPE matrix is array (integer range<>,integer range<>) of integer
TYPE vector is array (integer range<>) of integer;
a: matrix(0 TO 10,0 TO 10);
b: vector(0 TO 10);
--I've considered this instruction but compile error
vector <= a(0,0 TO 10);
How can i do that???I need that to make GENERATE instruction to multiply these....THANKS
I want to assign the first row of a matrix to a vector of the same type.How can i do it?
TYPE matrix is array (integer range<>,integer range<>) of integer
TYPE vector is array (integer range<>) of integer;
a: matrix(0 TO 10,0 TO 10);
b: vector(0 TO 10);
--I've considered this instruction but compile error
vector <= a(0,0 TO 10);
How can i do that???I need that to make GENERATE instruction to multiply these....THANKS