To get the match for "Resource ID:" in the text below, I am using this code:
/^ Resource Variable Name:/ {
if ( index( $0, sought ) )
{ getline s
print s
but it isn't returning anything. In the text itself it appears to be a tab, but if I use a tab in the code or the exact number of spaces, it doesn't return anything.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Example expression:
To be notified each time the average number of of processes on the
run queue on node 7 has increased by 50% or more between observations,
one could register for the event that follows:
Resource varible: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque
Resource ID: NodeNum=7
Expression: (X - X@P) >= (X@P * .5)
/^ Resource Variable Name:/ {
if ( index( $0, sought ) )
{ getline s
print s
but it isn't returning anything. In the text itself it appears to be a tab, but if I use a tab in the code or the exact number of spaces, it doesn't return anything.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Example expression:
To be notified each time the average number of of processes on the
run queue on node 7 has increased by 50% or more between observations,
one could register for the event that follows:
Resource varible: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque
Resource ID: NodeNum=7
Expression: (X - X@P) >= (X@P * .5)