Does anybobdy know where I could find the set of all the matching rules that can be applied on a LDAP search ? My purpose is to find a sort of "trimZeros" rule (so that my search can return '000345' and '00000000345' -attributes are of type String- when I query with the parameter '345'). I read about numericStringOrdering, but this is not what I want.
Any help would be more that welcome.
Thank you,
Does anybobdy know where I could find the set of all the matching rules that can be applied on a LDAP search ? My purpose is to find a sort of "trimZeros" rule (so that my search can return '000345' and '00000000345' -attributes are of type String- when I query with the parameter '345'). I read about numericStringOrdering, but this is not what I want.
Any help would be more that welcome.
Thank you,