I replaced a PC MAT -that was working in "DOS" operative system- with a PC that works in Win2000, in order to manage my 2400 ICS PBX. With this new PC all the commands are working well except the BKUPI command.
We wrote the following instructions in the file CONFIG.NT located in the "C:\WinNT\System32\" directory:
However every time we want to execute the BKUPI command the MAT software indicate that there is a communications problem with the PBX (ERROR:A30F). The other commands are executed very well.
Do you know if it is necessary to write another line in the config.nt file?
I would appreciate any suggestions you could give me to fix this problem.
We wrote the following instructions in the file CONFIG.NT located in the "C:\WinNT\System32\" directory:
However every time we want to execute the BKUPI command the MAT software indicate that there is a communications problem with the PBX (ERROR:A30F). The other commands are executed very well.
Do you know if it is necessary to write another line in the config.nt file?
I would appreciate any suggestions you could give me to fix this problem.