I have been working on this problem for a couple of weeks but I keep hitting a brick wall. I have checked out several modules for Calendars but I cannot figure out how to rewrite them to do what I need. I hope you can help.
I am building a scheduling piece for Home Care services.
I have a Master schedule that sets out a schedule for each client, assigning a worker to each day of the week. The master table is below:
MasterSchedID AutoNumber PK
ClientID Number Linked to Client Table
AuthID Number linked to Auth Table
JobID Number Linked to Job
ProgramID Number Linked to Program
WorkerID Number Linked to Worker table
StartDate Date/Time Short Date Start of period
ExpireDate Date/Time Short Date End of period
Day1Start Date/Time Med.Time Day1 = Sat.
Day1End Date/Time med.Time
Day1Worker Number WorkerID for this day
Day2Start Date/Time med. Time Day2 = Sun
Day2End Date/Time med.Time
Day2Worker Number WorkerID
Day3Start Date/Time med.Time Day3=Mon
Day3End Date/Time med.Time
Day3Worker Number WorkerID
Day4Start Date/Time med.Time Day4=Tues
Day4End Date/Time med.Time
Day4Worker Number WorkerID
Day5Start Date/Time med.Time Day5=Wed
Day5End Date/Time med.Time
Day5Worker Number WorkerID
Day6Start Date/Time med.Time Day6=Thu
Day6End Date/Time med.Time
Day6Worker Number WorkerID
Day7Start Date/Time med.Time Day7=Fri
Day7End Date/Time med.Time
Day7Worker WorkerID
From the above table I need to populate the the table below for the time period of the [StartDate] to the [ExpireDate]or 8 weeks whichever is less. Also, if the master Schedule is updated with a new worker on any particular day, I need to update the fields populated in lower table with new info.
SchedID AutoNumber PK
ClientID Number linked to Client table
WorkerID Number Linked to Worker table
AuthID Number linked to Authorization table
Date Date/Time Short Date Date of Service
Day Text Day of Service
Start Date/Time Med Time Start time of shift
End Date/Time Med Time End time of shift
Verified Yes/No Used when verifying time cards
Cancel yes/No Cancelling shift
ReasonID Number Linked to Reasontbl
NoNeed Yes/No NoNeed to fill shift
NoNeedID Number Linked to NoNeedtbl
I hope you can understand the above. Like I said I can't get my head around how to get this accomplished. any help you can give or point me in the right direction, I would appreciate. thanks
I am building a scheduling piece for Home Care services.
I have a Master schedule that sets out a schedule for each client, assigning a worker to each day of the week. The master table is below:
MasterSchedID AutoNumber PK
ClientID Number Linked to Client Table
AuthID Number linked to Auth Table
JobID Number Linked to Job
ProgramID Number Linked to Program
WorkerID Number Linked to Worker table
StartDate Date/Time Short Date Start of period
ExpireDate Date/Time Short Date End of period
Day1Start Date/Time Med.Time Day1 = Sat.
Day1End Date/Time med.Time
Day1Worker Number WorkerID for this day
Day2Start Date/Time med. Time Day2 = Sun
Day2End Date/Time med.Time
Day2Worker Number WorkerID
Day3Start Date/Time med.Time Day3=Mon
Day3End Date/Time med.Time
Day3Worker Number WorkerID
Day4Start Date/Time med.Time Day4=Tues
Day4End Date/Time med.Time
Day4Worker Number WorkerID
Day5Start Date/Time med.Time Day5=Wed
Day5End Date/Time med.Time
Day5Worker Number WorkerID
Day6Start Date/Time med.Time Day6=Thu
Day6End Date/Time med.Time
Day6Worker Number WorkerID
Day7Start Date/Time med.Time Day7=Fri
Day7End Date/Time med.Time
Day7Worker WorkerID
From the above table I need to populate the the table below for the time period of the [StartDate] to the [ExpireDate]or 8 weeks whichever is less. Also, if the master Schedule is updated with a new worker on any particular day, I need to update the fields populated in lower table with new info.
SchedID AutoNumber PK
ClientID Number linked to Client table
WorkerID Number Linked to Worker table
AuthID Number linked to Authorization table
Date Date/Time Short Date Date of Service
Day Text Day of Service
Start Date/Time Med Time Start time of shift
End Date/Time Med Time End time of shift
Verified Yes/No Used when verifying time cards
Cancel yes/No Cancelling shift
ReasonID Number Linked to Reasontbl
NoNeed Yes/No NoNeed to fill shift
NoNeedID Number Linked to NoNeedtbl
I hope you can understand the above. Like I said I can't get my head around how to get this accomplished. any help you can give or point me in the right direction, I would appreciate. thanks