Nov 11, 2009 #1 Froskoy Programmer Jul 25, 2009 18 GB Hi, I'm using a mask edit but don't seem to be able to use the StrToInt() function as I can with the contents of a normal edit box. How can I convert the contents of a mask edit box to an integer? Many thanks, Froskoy.
Hi, I'm using a mask edit but don't seem to be able to use the StrToInt() function as I can with the contents of a normal edit box. How can I convert the contents of a mask edit box to an integer? Many thanks, Froskoy.
Nov 11, 2009 #2 DjangMan Programmer Jun 1, 2001 1,785 CA showmessage(inttostr(strtoint( MaskEdit1.text))); Worked fine for me. What is your mask? Upvote 0 Downvote
Nov 11, 2009 Thread starter #3 Froskoy Programmer Jul 25, 2009 18 GB Thanks for the reply. Mask is 000. Upvote 0 Downvote
Nov 11, 2009 #4 DjangMan Programmer Jun 1, 2001 1,785 CA What is the error message that you get? Copy and paste it here. Upvote 0 Downvote
Nov 11, 2009 Thread starter #5 Froskoy Programmer Jul 25, 2009 18 GB is not a valid integer value. Upvote 0 Downvote