I am trying to make the following drive letter map to this particular folder:<br><br>; Mapping for Membership Program<br>MAP Q:=NOVELL1\VOL1:MEMBERSHIP<br>;<br><br>I double-checked my login script (at root level for all users) everthing looks fine. However, from each Win95 PC, the 'My Computer' shows:<br><br>VOL1 on 'NOVELL1' (Q)<br><br>No mapping to the folder at all. I do have one PC running Win2K Pro - and the mapping works perfect. It shows:<br><br>MEMBERSHIP on 'NOVELL1\VOL1' (Q)<br><br>The PCs are running 3.2 clients - WIN95 (b&c versions). Please tell me what in the world am I doing wrong.<br><br>Thanks in advance.