I have a couple of mapped drive that won't reconnect once I login. I have to open my computer and double click to reconnect them. Is there a way around this?
Is this on a wireless network? If it is, forget it -- the mapping isn't working because it's being executed prior to the wireless network connection being made. If it's not wireless, you might try using the "net use" command with the /persistent switch. Type net use /? at a command prompt for the syntax.
Unfortunately, the mapping is attempted prior to the wireless connection being made. I have tried using a batch file and making it a schedled task, but I could not get it to work. Maybe bcastner can shed some light on this.
What I've been doing is simply using a batch file containing the net use command to do the mappings. Although it requires active input by you to double-click the shortcut icon, it works.
I've checked knowledge bases with D-Link, Linksys, SMC and others, and the question of wireless mapping seems to be avoided completely. I telephoned D-Link's tech support and they suggested manually mapping, as I already do.
I honestly do not have a better answer than I provided above: handle the anycrhonous issues in the last part of Faq779-4017 and in the logon script clean prior entries.
This will in fact work 78.5% of the time. Microsoft was kind enough to make me an MS-MVP, and one of the issues I carry up to Redomond is the fragility of Winsock, the lack of native tools to easily repair the issue; or quite a few other thoughts.
Including this one.
If I have any say (I canot gaurantee I will) this will be a sort of done deal. To be fair to the Microsoft folks, this is a harder and more complicated issue to deal with than you might believe. Things will get a lot better.
Thank you, Bill. This is an issue that is growing rapidly as more and more wireless networks are instituted. Your input to Microsoft is essential and appreciated.
On a personal note, last night I was telling my wife about your incredible wealth of knowledge. Your assistance is truly appreciated.
. There are secure site issues that do not happen under wired connections, but are easily occur under wireless ones.
And, as I mentioned above, there is a brittle quality to the Winsock service stack that there exists no adequate native tools to repair. And this is one issue that Microsoft will hear about.
Thank you for your kind comments, I believe eventually what goes around comes around. I find my participation in Tek-Tips rewarding.
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