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MAPI to select mail recipient

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Technical User
Oct 23, 2002
The following code (less MAPI) Which I added in a different forum will send email to name in address line. What I want to do is have the new mail window without an address so you can add your own.
Function SendIt(sRecip As String, sTitle As String, sText As String, sFile As String) As Boolean
Dim strTemp      As String
 Dim strError      As String
 Dim lngIndex      As Long
 Dim iFileCount As Integer
 Dim mRecip(0) As MapiRecip, mFile() As MapiFile, mMail As MAPIMessage
 Dim lSess As Long, lRet As Long

 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
 SendIt = False
 'Add 2 trailing spaces to the text, this will be the position where the attachment goes to
 sText = sText & "  "
 With mRecip(0)
      .Name = sRecip
      .RecipClass = MAPI_TO
   End With
    'File to send?
   If sFile <> "" Then
      ReDim mFile(0)
      With mFile(0)
      .FileName = sFile
      .PathName = sFile
      .Position = Len(sText) - 1
      .FileType = ""
      .Reserved = 0
   End With
      iFileCount = 1
   End If
    'Create Mail
   With mMail
      .Subject = sTitle
      .NoteText = sText
      .Flags = 0
      .FileCount = iFileCount
      .RecipCount = 1
      .Reserved = 0
      .DateReceived = ""
      .MessageType = ""
   End With
   'Post it
   'Logon: User = "" and Password = ""
  lRet = MAPILogon(0, "", "", MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0, lSess)
   If lRet <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then
       strError = "Error logging into messaging software. (" & CStr(lRet) & ")"
        GoTo ErrorHandler
   End If
    'Send the mail to the given recipients with the attached file without showing a dialog
   lRet = MAPISendMail(lSess, 0, mMail, mRecip, mFile, MAPI_NODIALOG, 0)
        If lRet = 14 Then
            strError = "Recipient not found"
           strError = "Error sending: " & CStr(lRet)
        End If
        GoTo ErrorHandler
    End If
    lRet = MAPILogoff(lSess, 0, 0, 0)
   SendIt = True
    Exit Function
    If strError = "" Then strError = Err.Description
    Call MsgBox(strError, vbExclamation, "MAPI-Error")
End Function

Sub Autoclose()

    Dim strDocName As String
    Dim intPos As Integer

      intPos = InStrRev(strDocName, ".")
strDocName = ActiveDocument.FullName
        SendIt "me@mysite.com", "A new Access Card for person below", "Hi, read this:", strDocName
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
   End Sub

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