We’re having a problem with our Mitel MAPI Gateway. It logs errors about failing to open a message store and failed to create MAPI session. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the configuration we have applied:
(Note: Some specific values related to ip-addresses, domain name and passwords have been modified for privacy)
• Created the NPUMAdmin superuser account with all the access permissions for Exchange as stated in the Mitel docs. (• Install MS Messaging API and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 (6.5.8353.0)
• Install Mitel MAPI Gateway
• Configure MAPI Gateway as follows:
We have 2 exchange servers configured as a DAG and each have the same roles installed.
Exchange Server Domain <our internal domain name>
Exchange Server Host <Individual Mail Server hostname>|<Round Robin DNS hostname>
Super User Name Npumadmin
Super User Password <Password here>
Super User Password (Confirm) <Password here>
Exchange Server Version 2013
Exchange GUID <TheExchangeGuid@external.domain.name>
Convert NPM VMAIL from IMAP to MAPI No
Click OK
Windows pops up: Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Server <Internal domain name – only value which works>
Mailbox npumadmin
Click “Check Name”: The local domain name changes to the hostname of a mailserver in all caps and underlined. The npumadmin changes to NPUMAdmin and is also underlined. Click OK.
Popup: “This operation will start the MAPI gateway. To start the MAPI gateway, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel.”
Click OK and it appears happy. But the MAPI gateway is not working.
If a mail server hostname was submitted for the above Microsoft Exchange Server field the result is: “The name could not be resolved. Network problems are preventing connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server computer. Contact your system administrator if this condition persists. The name could not be resolved. The action could not be completed.”
On the MAPI Gateway Server:
C:\logMapiGW.txt is full of new entries like the following:
<TSMARKER>2017/06/05 16:10:56</TSMARKER>
Mitel Log file. This file should not be edited.
The case sensitive format is important to the log parsers.
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>INF</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:56</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>OtpLogs.cpp</FN> <FL>321</FL> <SRC><LEN=12>MSPLogServer</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=36>OtpLogs_Toggle: Changed from 2 to 1.</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3039</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=66>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: ExchnageHost is roundRobinMailServerDNSName.domain.local</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3041</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=88>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: ExchnageName is Long-GUID@external.domain.name</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3061</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=34>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: SSL is 1</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3094</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=51>[6916]: HrChangeProfileForEx2013: SaveChanges Done.</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>INF</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>269</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=34>[6916]: Going to call OpenMsgStore</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>282</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=42>[6916]: Failed at OpenMsgStore: 0x80040111</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MAPIContainerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>903</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=55>[6916]: Failed to GetDefaultMsgStore, hRes: 0x80040111.</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MitelMapiIMAPServerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>389</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=27>Failed to CreateMapiSession</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MitelMapiIMAPServerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>402</FL> <SRC><LEN=11>IMAPProcess</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=22>Failed to SetupFromReg</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MitelMapiIMAPServerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>442</FL> <SRC><LEN=11>IMAPProcess</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=42>Failed to start ClearUserMailboxInfoThread</LMSG>
Log into NuPoint Web Console
Open Advanced UM page
Click Mail Servers tab
Specify the following values:
Mail Server Type Microsoft Exchange
Adapter Type MAPI Gateway
Secure IMAP Faded Grey, False (For IMAP setting, not this one.)
Superuser account name domain/npumadmin/
Superuser password <the password>
IP Address <IP Address of the PC hosting MAPI Gateway app>
Click: Verify Mail Server IP Address
Popup: “MAPI Gateway Connection Failed :: Check ‘IP Address’ #1”
Click Save
Popup: Do you wish to save settings and restart the Advanced UM Server to apply the changes?”
The LDAP tab has a domain controller local IP, the NPUMAdmin DN, password and search base filled out and the Verify Connection button reports a success. These settings haven’t been changed in years.
Is there anything we have done or not done which would cause the MAPI Gateway to log the above errors?
One line in the MAPI gateway log doesn't look right. It shows as this:
<LMSG><LEN=66>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: ExchnageHost is roundRobinMailServerDNSName.domain.local</LMSG>
I've obfuscated the actual text, but what it says for the ExchangeHost is [mail].[our external domain name].[our internal domain name]
It should work fine with just our external or internal domain name, but should not have both appended, at least according to my understanding. Maybe this is just bad logging, like how the log has a type in the word "ExchnageHost"...
We’re having a problem with our Mitel MAPI Gateway. It logs errors about failing to open a message store and failed to create MAPI session. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the configuration we have applied:
(Note: Some specific values related to ip-addresses, domain name and passwords have been modified for privacy)
• Created the NPUMAdmin superuser account with all the access permissions for Exchange as stated in the Mitel docs. (• Install MS Messaging API and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 (6.5.8353.0)
• Install Mitel MAPI Gateway
• Configure MAPI Gateway as follows:
We have 2 exchange servers configured as a DAG and each have the same roles installed.
Exchange Server Domain <our internal domain name>
Exchange Server Host <Individual Mail Server hostname>|<Round Robin DNS hostname>
Super User Name Npumadmin
Super User Password <Password here>
Super User Password (Confirm) <Password here>
Exchange Server Version 2013
Exchange GUID <TheExchangeGuid@external.domain.name>
Convert NPM VMAIL from IMAP to MAPI No
Click OK
Windows pops up: Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Server <Internal domain name – only value which works>
Mailbox npumadmin
Click “Check Name”: The local domain name changes to the hostname of a mailserver in all caps and underlined. The npumadmin changes to NPUMAdmin and is also underlined. Click OK.
Popup: “This operation will start the MAPI gateway. To start the MAPI gateway, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel.”
Click OK and it appears happy. But the MAPI gateway is not working.
If a mail server hostname was submitted for the above Microsoft Exchange Server field the result is: “The name could not be resolved. Network problems are preventing connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server computer. Contact your system administrator if this condition persists. The name could not be resolved. The action could not be completed.”
On the MAPI Gateway Server:
C:\logMapiGW.txt is full of new entries like the following:
<TSMARKER>2017/06/05 16:10:56</TSMARKER>
Mitel Log file. This file should not be edited.
The case sensitive format is important to the log parsers.
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>INF</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:56</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>OtpLogs.cpp</FN> <FL>321</FL> <SRC><LEN=12>MSPLogServer</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=36>OtpLogs_Toggle: Changed from 2 to 1.</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3039</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=66>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: ExchnageHost is roundRobinMailServerDNSName.domain.local</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3041</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=88>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: ExchnageName is Long-GUID@external.domain.name</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3061</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=34>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: SSL is 1</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>3094</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=51>[6916]: HrChangeProfileForEx2013: SaveChanges Done.</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>INF</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>269</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=34>[6916]: Going to call OpenMsgStore</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MyEDK.cpp</FN> <FL>282</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=42>[6916]: Failed at OpenMsgStore: 0x80040111</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MAPIContainerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>903</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=55>[6916]: Failed to GetDefaultMsgStore, hRes: 0x80040111.</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MitelMapiIMAPServerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>389</FL> <SRC><LEN=4>MAPI</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=27>Failed to CreateMapiSession</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MitelMapiIMAPServerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>402</FL> <SRC><LEN=11>IMAPProcess</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=22>Failed to SetupFromReg</LMSG>
<CT>Software</CT> <SV>ERR</SV> <TS>2017/06/05 16:10:57</TS> <SQ>0</SQ>
<HSTNM>SRV-MAPIGW.domain.local</HSTNM> <SNDIP>local.sub.net.63</SNDIP> <PRCID>6916</PRCID>
<FN>MitelMapiIMAPServerMgr.cpp</FN> <FL>442</FL> <SRC><LEN=11>IMAPProcess</SRC> <FMTID>0</FMTID>
<LMSG><LEN=42>Failed to start ClearUserMailboxInfoThread</LMSG>
Log into NuPoint Web Console
Open Advanced UM page
Click Mail Servers tab
Specify the following values:
Mail Server Type Microsoft Exchange
Adapter Type MAPI Gateway
Secure IMAP Faded Grey, False (For IMAP setting, not this one.)
Superuser account name domain/npumadmin/
Superuser password <the password>
IP Address <IP Address of the PC hosting MAPI Gateway app>
Click: Verify Mail Server IP Address
Popup: “MAPI Gateway Connection Failed :: Check ‘IP Address’ #1”
Click Save
Popup: Do you wish to save settings and restart the Advanced UM Server to apply the changes?”
The LDAP tab has a domain controller local IP, the NPUMAdmin DN, password and search base filled out and the Verify Connection button reports a success. These settings haven’t been changed in years.
Is there anything we have done or not done which would cause the MAPI Gateway to log the above errors?
One line in the MAPI gateway log doesn't look right. It shows as this:
<LMSG><LEN=66>HrChangeProfileForEx2013: ExchnageHost is roundRobinMailServerDNSName.domain.local</LMSG>
I've obfuscated the actual text, but what it says for the ExchangeHost is [mail].[our external domain name].[our internal domain name]
It should work fine with just our external or internal domain name, but should not have both appended, at least according to my understanding. Maybe this is just bad logging, like how the log has a type in the word "ExchnageHost"...