I have a third party application that I call and have to pass paramaters to including a path. This particular application chokes on a UNC even though the user's behavior may cause the UNC to be passed. Additionally, there is no garantee that the share is mapped to a drive letter.
The following script converts a UNC to a drive letter based full path and automatically maps the drive to the first available drive letter after "D" if it isn't already mapped.
The following script converts a UNC to a drive letter based full path and automatically maps the drive to the first available drive letter after "D" if it isn't already mapped.
LOCAL i, oWS, oDrives, cShareLetterAvailable, lcCmd
IF VARTYPE(m.tcShare)<>"C" OR LEFT(m.tcShare,2)<>"\\"
RETURN "Failure to Identify a server."
m.tcShare = ALLTRIM(LOWER(m.tcShare))
m.cShareLetterAvailable = ""
FOR m.i = 69 TO 90
m.cShareLetterAvailable = m.cShareLetterAvailable + CHR(m.i)
oWS = Createobject("WScript.Network")
oDrives = oWS.EnumNetworkDrives
FOR m.i = 0 To oDrives.Count - 1 Step 2
IF ALLTRIM(LOWER(oDrives.Item(m.i+1))) == m.tcShare
WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT m.tcShare + " Mapped To " + (oDrives.Item(m.i))
RETURN (oDrives.Item(m.i))
m.cShareLetterAvailable = CHRTRAN(m.cShareLetterAvailable,LEFT((oDrives.Item(m.i)),1),"")
m.cShareLetterAvailable = LEFT(m.cShareLetterAvailable,1)
WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Failure to Identify Mapping. Attempting to map share to " + m.cShareLetterAvailable
m.lcCmd = Getenv("ComSpec") +" /C Net Use " + m.cShareLetterAvailable + ": " + CHR(34) + tcShare +CHR(34) + ;
" > " + ADDBS(GETENV("TEMP"))+"MapResult.txt"
oWS = Createobject("wscript.shell")
oWS.Run(m.lcCmd, 0, .T.)
IF FILETOSTR(ADDBS(GETENV("TEMP"))+"MapResult.txt")="The command completed successfully."
WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Share Mapped to: " + m.cShareLetterAvailable
RETURN m.cShareLetterAvailable+":"
MESSAGEBOX("all hope is lost")