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Manual Install: what components for mysql-access

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Aug 24, 2001
The situation is a bit complicated, so let me explain:
On Machine A I got Visual Studio installed.
On this machine I developed a script which accesses a mysql database. When I compile this script on machine A and run the .exe file on 'A' then it runs just fine.
When I copy the .exe file onto a machine 'B' it won't run because of missing components such as "MSADODC.OCX". In consequence I used the packaging wizard.
With the generated setup I installed the application and it run fine on machine 'B'.
Problem: some installed stuff make trouble. It seems to interfere with other installed things.
I now try to collect manually the needed files and install them myself on machine 'B' (on which I had to reinstall Windows completly because the uninstaller didn't uninstall everything :-( )

Now my Questions: What files do I need?
I added the component "Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 (OLEDB)" to my project.
Further relevant script snippets:

dim connstr as string
connstr = "driver={MySQL};" & _
          "server=" & _ 'sample IP-address
          "uid=username;" & _       'sample
          "pwd=userpass;" & _       'sample
          "database=myDB;"          'you are right: sample again

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT just_a_field FROM myTable WHERE mycondition='true'";

rs.Open sqlOpen As String

Another snippet:
Dim mysqlDB As ADODB.Connection
Set mysqlDB = New ADODB.Connection
Dim query As String
mysqlDB.ConnectionString = connstr 'The same string as above
query = "INSERT INTO myTable VALUES('value1', ' value2')"
Call mysqlDB.Execute(query)

So that were all relevant parts of the script.

Does someone know, which files I have to copy or does soemone know how to point this out?

Thank you VERY much for helping me in this question
Stefan Rusterholz
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