I'm using Oracle 10 g with Crystal Reports XI
I need to create a manual cross tab (because of printing issues) with a column and header for each date for the previous 10 days. I'm using the following select statement to get the return records for the previous 10 days.
{OR_LOG.SURGERY_DATE} >= CurrentDate-10 and {OR_LOG.SURGERY_DATE}<= CurrentDate - 1
As always any and all help is appreciated.
I need to create a manual cross tab (because of printing issues) with a column and header for each date for the previous 10 days. I'm using the following select statement to get the return records for the previous 10 days.
{OR_LOG.SURGERY_DATE} >= CurrentDate-10 and {OR_LOG.SURGERY_DATE}<= CurrentDate - 1
As always any and all help is appreciated.