I am trying to post to a webpage which has a number of forms on it. if you browse to the webpage normally it starts off the form name jump1x, which asks you for some info, then you go to jump2x when it asks for alittle more info, finally you get to jump3x which i want to post to. i believe i have the info i need to post to jump3x but i need to figure out how to accomplish it with
strUrl = "Set oHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
oHTTP.open "POST", strUrl, False, strU, strTimeOut
unfornately when i try and post to webpage.pl it acts as if i have landed on jump1x despite me having page=3 in the strRequest
strRequest = Escape("region=gddc&datetochange=t_end_date&page=3....etc)
<form name="jump1x">
Select a Region:
<select name="myjumpbox" OnChange="top.frames['content'].location.href=jump1x.myjumpbox.options[selectedIndex].value">
<option selected>Please Select...
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=ams&page=1">AMS
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=aoa&page=1">AOA
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=eur&page=1">EUR
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=gddc&page=1">GDDC
<form name="jump2x" action='EditPlanMaintenance.pl' method='POST'>
<input type=radio name='datetochange' value='t_start_date'>Start Date<BR>
<input type=radio name='datetochange' value='t_end_date' checked>End Date<BR><BR>
New Date:<input type='text' name='changedate' size=12 maxlength=12 value='201007291718'><BR>
(The change will only impact schedules that will have a final start date>end date)<BR><BR>
<input type='hidden' name='page' value='3'>
<input type='hidden' name='region' value="gddc">
<input type='hidden' name='where' value="where t_status<>'COMPLETED' and t_user='...User' and t_reference_number='CR000000' and t_hostname in ('machinename') ">
<input type='submit' value=' Submit '>
strUrl = "Set oHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
oHTTP.open "POST", strUrl, False, strU, strTimeOut
unfornately when i try and post to webpage.pl it acts as if i have landed on jump1x despite me having page=3 in the strRequest
strRequest = Escape("region=gddc&datetochange=t_end_date&page=3....etc)
<form name="jump1x">
Select a Region:
<select name="myjumpbox" OnChange="top.frames['content'].location.href=jump1x.myjumpbox.options[selectedIndex].value">
<option selected>Please Select...
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=ams&page=1">AMS
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=aoa&page=1">AOA
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=eur&page=1">EUR
<option value="EditPlanMaintenance.pl?region=gddc&page=1">GDDC
<form name="jump2x" action='EditPlanMaintenance.pl' method='POST'>
<input type=radio name='datetochange' value='t_start_date'>Start Date<BR>
<input type=radio name='datetochange' value='t_end_date' checked>End Date<BR><BR>
New Date:<input type='text' name='changedate' size=12 maxlength=12 value='201007291718'><BR>
(The change will only impact schedules that will have a final start date>end date)<BR><BR>
<input type='hidden' name='page' value='3'>
<input type='hidden' name='region' value="gddc">
<input type='hidden' name='where' value="where t_status<>'COMPLETED' and t_user='...User' and t_reference_number='CR000000' and t_hostname in ('machinename') ">
<input type='submit' value=' Submit '>