Well once again i find myself asking the experts at tek-tips for an answer. Low and Behold the powers at bay haven't a clue what they are signing checks for and the IT department is faced again with a budge cut. To catch you up to speed i am working in a Win2k pro environment with roaminig profiles pull and storing on our AS400, company won't spring for a win2k server, now the issue of internet has arrived.
Long ago i told them that i would need money for monitoring interenet traffic to allow users to surf the net in a controled environment and be able to log who went where and when. So like clock work they come pounding on my door asking me allow internet for all users and i told them what i would need and they gave their standard answer of we dont have any money for that, now i'm here.
i have never used mandrake or linux for that matter but a friend of mine said that i would be able to use mandrake as a webmonitor. so i got mandrake all loaded on a pc but now my hands are tied to figure out how to set this machine up as a monitor. I am checkin on the net and trying figured how to do and i thought i would drop a line here.
Long ago i told them that i would need money for monitoring interenet traffic to allow users to surf the net in a controled environment and be able to log who went where and when. So like clock work they come pounding on my door asking me allow internet for all users and i told them what i would need and they gave their standard answer of we dont have any money for that, now i'm here.
i have never used mandrake or linux for that matter but a friend of mine said that i would be able to use mandrake as a webmonitor. so i got mandrake all loaded on a pc but now my hands are tied to figure out how to set this machine up as a monitor. I am checkin on the net and trying figured how to do and i thought i would drop a line here.