I am a relitively recent convert to Linux, I first started using the Mandrake 7.1 distrubution and upgraded when my hardware outstriped the abilities of the kernal (I put in a Geforce 2 MX and there just wasn't support for it). I recently updated to the ver 8 of the Mandrake distrubution and have been very pleased thus far.
My question is: Two week ago I finally got cable modem access. My windows box connects without problem when I set it up to use DHCP. The Linux box, however, will not lease an IP from the modem. I set the access up according to a link to the Hedhat 6.2 setup HOWTO from linux.com. Everything seemed very streightforward and the section about setting up a static IP address to connect to the rest of the network worked flawlessly ( I have two NICs, a 3Com 509 series and a Intel Pro 10/100 ) Everything appears to work correctly up to the point where the NIC leases an IP address via DHCP. Then it hangs for a couple of minutes and reports that there was no IP information available. I switched the role of the cards to see if maybe there was a problem with one of the NICs, but the result is always the same: The card with the static IP works fine and the one connected to the modem cannot get an IP address. I'm pretty sure this must be some sort of configuration issue, but I cannot seem to locate the problem. Any Suggestions?
My question is: Two week ago I finally got cable modem access. My windows box connects without problem when I set it up to use DHCP. The Linux box, however, will not lease an IP from the modem. I set the access up according to a link to the Hedhat 6.2 setup HOWTO from linux.com. Everything seemed very streightforward and the section about setting up a static IP address to connect to the rest of the network worked flawlessly ( I have two NICs, a 3Com 509 series and a Intel Pro 10/100 ) Everything appears to work correctly up to the point where the NIC leases an IP address via DHCP. Then it hangs for a couple of minutes and reports that there was no IP information available. I switched the role of the cards to see if maybe there was a problem with one of the NICs, but the result is always the same: The card with the static IP works fine and the one connected to the modem cannot get an IP address. I'm pretty sure this must be some sort of configuration issue, but I cannot seem to locate the problem. Any Suggestions?