I'm looking at incorporating managing emailing lists from within my CRM application and hoped someone might be able to give me some pointers.
Our IT manager has said that he's found applications available that will manage emailing lists. Do you know of any good ones? Any that can be run through automation perhaps?
I understand (from the IT manager) that they are able to determine if an email address actually exists or not, rather than just checking if the address looks genuine. How would they do that?
Any other pointers/advice can you give me or pitfalls you can warn me of would be appreciated.
Our IT manager has said that he's found applications available that will manage emailing lists. Do you know of any good ones? Any that can be run through automation perhaps?
I understand (from the IT manager) that they are able to determine if an email address actually exists or not, rather than just checking if the address looks genuine. How would they do that?
Any other pointers/advice can you give me or pitfalls you can warn me of would be appreciated.