I am in the production support and watching 30 (15 UAT + 15 Prod) Launchers through management console. I am using Mercator 6.5.2(211).
I have to restart all the launchers twice a day to make sure that they are not over loaded. I am doing it through Unix script.
When I Stop the launcher the instance from management console goes off and then I have to search for that launcher out of 30 configured launcher to reconnect it in the management console.
Can I do something like : When I stop the launcher that instance on Management console says that PAUSING / STOPPING - Stopped. So I can simply go there and reconnect it once I restart the launcher??
I am in the production support and watching 30 (15 UAT + 15 Prod) Launchers through management console. I am using Mercator 6.5.2(211).
I have to restart all the launchers twice a day to make sure that they are not over loaded. I am doing it through Unix script.
When I Stop the launcher the instance from management console goes off and then I have to search for that launcher out of 30 configured launcher to reconnect it in the management console.
Can I do something like : When I stop the launcher that instance on Management console says that PAUSING / STOPPING - Stopped. So I can simply go there and reconnect it once I restart the launcher??