I've been googling for a while now and can't find what I'm looking for.
Is there a standard way of managing database sizes, for example placing a database size limit and enforcing that. Obviously this can be done on a per user basis with quotas on the linux fs, but surely this would mean the restriction would be placed on the mysql user account rather than the database?
Can anyone point me in the direction of some good documentation on this topic.
Toby Heywood
I've been googling for a while now and can't find what I'm looking for.
Is there a standard way of managing database sizes, for example placing a database size limit and enforcing that. Obviously this can be done on a per user basis with quotas on the linux fs, but surely this would mean the restriction would be placed on the mysql user account rather than the database?
Can anyone point me in the direction of some good documentation on this topic.
Toby Heywood