Hi, i have installed right now solaris 8 2/02 sparc edition but i don't have man pages!!
This is what i installed:
- End User Group
- European Documentation
- Solstice Disksuite from cd software 2
Where can i find the package of man pages?
Thanks in advance
On the new machine i don't have SUNWman installed, but on another machine installed few weeks ago i have them.
I was just wondering what differs in my installation because i'm quite sure i issued same type of installation.
About $MANPATH it is not set, but it isn't set also on the sun where i'm able to use man.
Do you know in which cd i can find that package?
Thanks very much
Sorry, I don't and haven't access to a machine to test at the moment. I would have thought that man installation would be part of a default install, but possibly not for an End User Group install (though I've never done one of those myself). My guess is that it will be on the 2nd installation disk. Mount it and traverse to the packages area to check. HTH.
To install the on-line manual pages you need to select customise when doing the install. This gives you the option to install the manuals plus a lot of other stuff.
Ok.. thanks all for your response.
I found the pack, it's on cd software 2.
If i want to rcp the directory between a linux box and a sun what should i do?
What i'm doing is:
- sun: create /.rhosts file and add hostname of linux box
- linux: rcp -rp localdir sun:/users/myuser/
I'm having error permission denied
I'd also check the ownership and permissions of the .rhosts file. On some OS, the persmissions of the .rhosts file has to be 600 (rw for user only), which usually isn't the default permissions when you create a file.
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