TABLES:<br><br>Vendor<br>Rec <br>Name<br><br>Sorts<br>Rec <br>Abbrev <br><br>Destination<br>Rec <br>Name <br><br>Loads<br>Rec<br>Vendorrec (foreign key to Vendor.Rec) <br>Sortsrec (foreign key to Sorts.Rec)<br>Destinationrec (foreign key to destination.Rec) <br>Net <br>Gross<br>Util<br>Pgross<br>Statusrec <br>Samplescaledflag<br>Weighedflag<br>Mtflag<br>Wieght <br><br>Logs<br>Rec<br>Loadsrec (foreign key to Loads.rec) <br><br>Heres what I would like to do. I don’t think I can because of the rule that if one column is aggregated they all must be aggregated or grouped. Grouping by all these columns causes too many work tables to be needed And the querey fails. <br><br>Select “vendor”, “sort’, ‘Dest’, ‘lrec’=LG.rec, ‘rec’=LD.rec, ‘vrec’=LD.vendorrec, ‘srec’=LD.sortsrec, ‘drec’=LD.destinationrec, ‘net’, ‘gross’=LD.gross, ‘util’=LD.util, ‘Pgross’=LD.pgross, ‘status’=LD.statusrec, ‘sampled’=LD.samplescaledflag, ‘weighed’=LD.weighedflag, ‘mt’=LD.mtflag, ‘weight’=LD.weight<br>FROM loads as LD <br>Join vendor as V on (LD.vendorrec = V.rec) <br>Join sorts as S on (LD.sortsrec = S.rec) <br>Join destination as D on (LD.destinationrec = D.rec) <br>Full Outer Join logs as LG on (LD.rec = LG.loadsrec) <br><br>Thanks in advance for any help with this, or just for trying. <br><br>Ruairi<br>