Trying to convert Access2000 VBA recordsets, based on queries, to recordsets based on stored procedures in a SQL server. How do you do that while passing parameters?<br>
Any help, much appreciated!<br>
Hi Mark,<br>
This may be one for the access area. Roughly do the following:<br>
Write your stored procedure, if your procedure was to bring back a bunch of records it should end:<br>
Once you can run your stored procedure through isql fine next move on to access<br>
In access tick a refenece to Microsoft Active Data Objects library. An have code something like:<br>
Public Function Connect() As Boolean<br>
Dim strconn As String<br>
Dim adocmd as ADODB.Command<br>
Dim adorec as ADODB.Recordset<br>
Set m_conn = New ADODB.Connection<br>
On Error GoTo errhandler<br>
strconn = "driver={SQL Server};SERVER=" & SERVER & ";DATABASE="<br>
strconn = strconn & Database & ";UID=" & UID & ";PWD=" & PWD & ";"<br>
Set adorec = new ADODB.Recordset<br>
set adocmd = new adodb.Command<br>
With m_conn<br>
.ConnectionString = strconn<br>
.ConnectionTimeout = 15<br>
.CursorLocation = adUseClient<br>
End With<br>
With adocmd<br>
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc<br>
.CommandText = "EXEC [Proc Name]"<br>
.ActiveConnection = m_conn<br>
End with<br>
adorec = adocmd.execute<br>
Connect = True<br>
Set m_conn = Nothing<br>
Exit Function<br>
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description, vbCritical _<br>
, "Connection Error"<br>
Connect = False<br>
GoTo errexit<br>
End Function<br>
that would get you a connection to your database (I have the databases and it connection information as a variable. It could be hard coded.<br>
The above code is half from an object I wrote with some code I wrote on the fly. I may not read too well :-D<br>
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