Karl Blessing
I'd like to start off by saying that NS should just die (it's a developer's nightmare) in any case, I still have to design/develop for both. Here is the problem.
I want to make a textarea readonly
this is pretty easy and typically done by
<Textarea readonly ....> Some Text </Textarea>
this works just fine in IE, but in NS, I am still able to place my cursor in it, and change stuff, add stuff, etc, and submit it changed.
I even tried the XHTML method of doing readonly="readonly" , and yet NS still wont lock the textarea.
Any clues?, you know it might be helpful if someone created some sort of reasources, of the common attributes that work perfectly in IE, but cost an arm and a leg to investigate in NS. Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}
I want to make a textarea readonly
this is pretty easy and typically done by
<Textarea readonly ....> Some Text </Textarea>
this works just fine in IE, but in NS, I am still able to place my cursor in it, and change stuff, add stuff, etc, and submit it changed.
I even tried the XHTML method of doing readonly="readonly" , and yet NS still wont lock the textarea.
Any clues?, you know it might be helpful if someone created some sort of reasources, of the common attributes that work perfectly in IE, but cost an arm and a leg to investigate in NS. Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}