Usually in the livelink system page it is usually a function of the Search Manager.In my 9.5 instance I click on the Search Manager ->Properties and Regions is one of the functionalities.This used to be the same way in 9.1 also although some of the newer checkboxes etc were not there.I do not know whether you can code these,I am not much of an expert.Maybe you should ask David Templeteon in OT.I think the Search by Default is a new thing in 9.5 I think it was being searched by default in pre 9.5.In 9.5 meta and content are treated separately so you have to explicitly turn that box for making it search like a 9.1 system
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
The actual values are stored in the search manager object's document/file. The Search Manager is stored as an object in Livelink with records in the DTREE and DVERSDATA tables. This object has a document/file associated with it. This file is stored in the external file storage area or in the blobdata database table depending on how you store documents (physical location of the document is stored in the PROVIDERDATA table). I don't think it is anything you want to edit manually. It looks like you need to go through the HTML interface.
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