I'm new to Linux, running SuSE 8.2, which uses a program called YaST to manage its software package installation.
Trouble is that YaST's database of installed software only includes RPM packages which it has installed, with the result that if I install a package (call it "newprog") either from source by using "make install" or by using the package's own installer program, YaST doesn't recognise it, and if I later try to install an RPM which depends on "newprog", YaST loudly objects, insisting that "newprog" is not installed (though it does give me the option of ignoring its objections).
So, does anybody know how I can update YaST's database to include software which I have installed using a non-RPM method? Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Trouble is that YaST's database of installed software only includes RPM packages which it has installed, with the result that if I install a package (call it "newprog") either from source by using "make install" or by using the package's own installer program, YaST doesn't recognise it, and if I later try to install an RPM which depends on "newprog", YaST loudly objects, insisting that "newprog" is not installed (though it does give me the option of ignoring its objections).
So, does anybody know how I can update YaST's database to include software which I have installed using a non-RPM method? Any suggestions would be most welcome.