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Making a logo rotate.

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Technical User
Jan 14, 2004
Hi all. Please spare me as I am a complete newbie to flash.

I have designed some logos for a website that me and a friend are making.

I want to make one of these logos rotate, but I have no idea where to start in Flash.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)

Make it a movieclip, give it an instance name, and put this code on the same timeline that has said movieclip on it.

yourInstanceName_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){

This will be tied directly to the frame rate of the movie, so if you need to speed it up or slow it down, thats where it can changed.

Also, if you would like to speed it up without changing the frame rate, you can do something like this:

yourInstanceName_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._rotation = this._rotation + 3

Hope that helps!

When talking about a rotating logo, don't you think that what Chr1sUK had in mind, was more of a spinning rotating logo (2D or 3D) rather than a simple rotation on the axis as you're proposing?

Well oldnewbie, what I do think is that you should be more focused on providing help to the person that asked the question, instead of taking shots at the other people that have provided posts. I think your second post would have been sufficiant to this thread, and been alot more befenifial to the group.

Sufficient maybe! And I don't care about what you think I should be doing or not. If I have something to say, I'll say it!
Yes oldnewbie, what you posted there is what I am after.

I am a complete newbie to flash, so even with such precise code I would still manage to muck it up!!

I think Yutaka's suggestion is more along my lines :)

I will give it a shot and let you know how I got on.

Thanks for the help.
Easy DJC,
I'm sure Old meant no offense and his first post was hardly flame, or "taking a shot" at you. I would think on a site like this you would be able to take such slight critisicm that on the chin so to speak, just as I hope you don't take this post the wrong way.

Baisicly, just lighten up a bit! :) :p
Have fun - Keyper.
OK I have got as far as actually rotating the logo.

I can only seem to get it to rotate sideways, as opposed to the rotation shown in the above examples.

How do i get it to rotate like it does in the three examples posted by oldnewbie?
hey Chr1sUK
have you heard of swift 3d? its what was used for the 2nd and 3rd example oldnewbie posted. swift 3d makes 3d rotating aloot easier and its not so hard to get use to, you can export vector graphics from flash and import them to swift 3d than re-import them to flash its really cool.

Also I would like to add to the thing goin on here about aldnewbie taking a shot, whats that all about? I have been using this forum for a while now and all I ever see from oldnebie is help, help, help, and more help as far as I know oldnewbie only posts for the good. anyway take care all.

also Chr1sUK if you wanna post an .fla with your logo maybe I can see what I can do for you :) if its just a simple rotate you want.

Thanks for that Brian.

As it stands I have not got the logo in .fla format. I have a GIF and a JPEG if that is any use? Can i import that into flash and then save is as .fla?

hey old newbie are you taking a shot at me? heheheh just kiddin anyway Chris I aint sure of your flash skills and or graphic design knowledge but if you wanna do it the way that oldnewbie is stating in his last post that he is write you can use jpg or gif with that tutorial he posted but if you wanna do it in 3d where you wanna show a depth or thickness of your logo you would have to turn your logo to a vector graphic you can use flash or freehand or whatever you use for vector graphics if you know what a vector graphic is I aint tryin to be rude either. but I dont wanna confuse you at the same time. anyway if you need help with this more let us know. also if you dont know what a vector graphic is it is a graphic that is made up not by pixels but by vectors whatever you do in flash is a vector image. anyway like I said I dont know if you know this already so I dont wanna continue on it, anyway let us know what you need.


W i K
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