I have a simple picture which i would like to get different views of. Basically imagine taking the image and turning it 1/8 of a rotation. This is the image i want. Is there anyway I can rotate a picture along a vertical axis and get this effect?
thysonj: do you want to rotate the image plane about
a vertical axis ? This is nothing else than a change of the
aspect ratio (e.g. scaling by sx=0.8, sy=1).
PhS has general perspective distortions, but this feature
is really bad, because everything is based on trial and error.
Or do you want to create a new 3D view ?
Some programs promise to do this, but obviously a hidden
part of a building cannot be re-constructed from nothing,
unless some assumptions are made about the 3D-elements.
Like this: the unvisible right part is a mirror of the visible left part.
I understand it like you have an image you e.g. can get to look like it is hanging on a wall.
Use "Free transform" (Shortcut Ctrl+T)
A rectangle occurs with some handles you can grap with the mouse. Try doing this while pressing "Alt", "Shift" or "Ctrl".
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