I would like to make different text boxes for fill in show if the Round Product is picked or the Square product is picked from a Drop down combo box.
here is my Starting code:
<script Language="VBScript"><!--
Sub ProdType_onchange
Set theForm = document.FrontPage_Form1
If (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 1) then
msgbox "Round"
ElseIf (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 2) then
msgbox "Rectangle"
ElseIf (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 3) then
ElseIf (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 4) then
End if
End sub
Do I have to make a subroutine ????
or ????
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here is my Starting code:
<script Language="VBScript"><!--
Sub ProdType_onchange
Set theForm = document.FrontPage_Form1
If (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 1) then
msgbox "Round"
ElseIf (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 2) then
msgbox "Rectangle"
ElseIf (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 3) then
ElseIf (theForm.ProdType.selectedindex = 4) then
End if
End sub
Do I have to make a subroutine ????
or ????
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