I made a report to run under the form, if user enter January, it will show a report with summary of by description field, units sold, sold, gross profit for january/2003, and january/2003. It's looks great when user just enter january, february.
Problem Here:
I need the same report format, but this time, if user enter, january, february, and etc, I want to make this new report show the year to date, not month to month.
what should I do to make this new report show up year to date, meaning, if user enter February, we will add total of units sold, sold, gross profit from january plus february, and if march they enter, it would be january + february + march.....
can someone hint me this?
Problem Here:
I need the same report format, but this time, if user enter, january, february, and etc, I want to make this new report show the year to date, not month to month.
what should I do to make this new report show up year to date, meaning, if user enter February, we will add total of units sold, sold, gross profit from january plus february, and if march they enter, it would be january + february + march.....
can someone hint me this?