I found this article/script that reads as if you can have a button act as a toggle for making the movie stay on the top.
I keep getting an error -- how do I implement this in my movie - Im struggling with learing advanced Lingo - so I appreciate the help!
************* Begin Script/article *************
This is a simple behavior to make the Director stage stay on top of all other windows. This is different from the standard set window state approach as it will even work correctly with full-screen projectors. Use this if you are having problems with projectors in full screen mode ignoring the baSetWindowState command.
property onOff
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
return [#onOff : [#format : #boolean, #comment : "Hold on top?", #default : true]]
on mouseUp me
if onOff = true then
hold = "StayOnTop"
hold = "DontStayOnTop"
end if
theWIndow = baGetWindow( baWinHandle() , "parent" )
if theWindow = 0 then theWindow = baWinHandle()
baSetWindowState(theWindow, hold)
on getBehaviorDescription me
describe = "This is a simple behavior to make the Director stage stay on top of all other windows. This is different from the standard set window state approach as it will even work correctly with full-screen projectors. Use this if you are having problems with projectors in full screen mode ignoring the baSetWindowState command."
return describe
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I keep getting an error -- how do I implement this in my movie - Im struggling with learing advanced Lingo - so I appreciate the help!
************* Begin Script/article *************
This is a simple behavior to make the Director stage stay on top of all other windows. This is different from the standard set window state approach as it will even work correctly with full-screen projectors. Use this if you are having problems with projectors in full screen mode ignoring the baSetWindowState command.
property onOff
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
return [#onOff : [#format : #boolean, #comment : "Hold on top?", #default : true]]
on mouseUp me
if onOff = true then
hold = "StayOnTop"
hold = "DontStayOnTop"
end if
theWIndow = baGetWindow( baWinHandle() , "parent" )
if theWindow = 0 then theWindow = baWinHandle()
baSetWindowState(theWindow, hold)
on getBehaviorDescription me
describe = "This is a simple behavior to make the Director stage stay on top of all other windows. This is different from the standard set window state approach as it will even work correctly with full-screen projectors. Use this if you are having problems with projectors in full screen mode ignoring the baSetWindowState command."
return describe
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