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Major problems with Win ME

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Technical User
Sep 24, 2000
I had a couple of problems with W98, so I upgraded to WIN ME thinking it would fix the problems. It fixed 98's problems but it also came with it's own.1)My Keyboard's software is incompatible. My keyboard is a intelliype Pro from Microsoft.2)My mouse's software is incompatible.My mouse is a intellipoint optical also from Microsoft.Microsoft also has fixed this problem and you down load the new drivers from there web sight.3)When I go to listen to a cd with the Media Player it will play 3 songs then the sound vanishes.But the player still continues to play.I then check to make sure that I can play windows sounds(while the player is still running)and I can.I then will close the player and then try to re open it. When I go to re open it it will not open, it does nothing.I don't know if my sound card is not compatible or not. I have a sound blaster pci512.4)My computer will freeze when ever it feels like it.It loves to freeze when I am typing something.5)It likes to freeze on me when I go to shut down.6)I have a LT MODEM when I installed Win ME it made it a LUCENT WIN MODEM.my modem does not work half of the time.It tells me to re install TCP/IP.Then I try to go on line again and it works fine.I have not yet tryed to install the orginal drivers yet .I'm hoping that will help.I'm suppose to be getting DSL next week, that should be fun!!7)Sometimes when I double click on to My Computer The computer will freeze.
The place were I bought WIN ME is going to let me bring it back. Should I or can My problems be fixed?Is there a WIN ME 2 coming out and if there is when?If there is anyone that can help me please help me!! [sig][/sig]
I Have tested ME on Several different Configerations and i think it is c--p
I would say go back to 98se [sig]<p>Tim Dodgson<br><a href=mailto:t_dodgson@yahoo.com>t_dodgson@yahoo.com</a><br><a href= </a><br> [/sig]
I ran WinME for a total of 3 days before returning back to win98SE, it did work with my hardware tho, but I hated the random crashes on applications that worked just fine in 98SE. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
i have installed windows ME on 2 machines.
1. Atholon 750-128pc133-32Mb V770 AGP- Sound blaster live- 3com 56kmodem
2. Celeron 300A-128pc100-16Mb Stealth3d AGP- Yamaha sound- 3com 56kmodem

Out of the 2 (started on August 26 2000) the celeron is still workin with no problems. Havent had a crash and no reboots yet. So far so good on that machine.

The atholon had alot of problems.Mouse had driver probs.Media player had a prob with soundcard and the Via drivers crashed the Boot.it would reboot when it booted .
when i got he reboot prob fixed i then had vid card driver errors.After about a week of fixing bugs,I finally gave up on the ME on my atholon system.

but the celeron is runnin smoothe so far

Win Me just crashed on me, (will not boot up past hardware recognition screen) and I will be going back to Win 98 SE. Found corrupted ASPIDOS2 files and more, after eleven days of new OS bliss. Not that its great, just something new to tinker with. My suggestion as a few of the others have mentioned here is go back to Win 98 and wait for support disk or Win Me SE to come out. Good luck to KCarneiro.
The one time I have worked with ME it came pre-installed on a Dell. There were several software compatibility problems, PC lockups when using the Windows Media player and overall it was just a big pain in the neck. I like the way MS made it so the Media Play is part of the OS. The original, simple CDplayer wasn't even available. Go back to Win98SE and call it good.

Brian [sig][/sig]
I have installed win me on a brand new box and everything worked o.k till I tried to install a winmodem.
the os did not detect the modem and did not dial when I have installed it manualy.
I have tested the modem on a 95 box and win 2000 and it is working perfectly
I've not had any problems with Windows ME so far. It has been running since August. I installed it to get rid of Win98SE horrendous memory management problems. ME has solved all of these for me. I have an AMD K6-2 550 with an ATI Rage 128 Graphics card, Creative Soundblaster 128, HP 8210i CD-RW, and a Pioneer DVD. The only problem tat has shown is an occasional loss of sound.
I have a Software modem on a PCI card and that runs OK. I made sure that I had the most up-to-date drivers that I could get, and this has meant a smooth run so far.

James :) [sig]<p>James Culshaw<br><a href=mailto:jamesculshaw@active-data-solutions.co.uk>jamesculshaw@active-data-solutions.co.uk</a><br><a href= Active Data Solutions</a><br> [/sig]
ok just a follow up on my last system install
well i found this out from a friend of mine who is a great puter tester.
heworks as a tech at a local computer store here and we play with lots of different configurations of systems.Like 2 kids in a toy store.(hehehheh woohoo).well we have found out that the atholon with pc133 ram isnt a good config. we had more rrors and crashes on it than we did with the same set up and pc100 ram.
windows media player was the biggest prob on the pc133 ram machine.
and we found out that ME supports alot of ram
we max'd out the epox kx-133 mobo with 768 mb's pc100 ram .
it was so smoothe and fast
i was able to run multiple applications and still had a ton or physical ram left to go.
so i guess that would be a bonus for the ME .
we are in the middle of building duel pIII 500 machine.
just wondering if this will work.

Remember people this is only a test
do not try this at home kid's
( use your friends house/job.)

well thats about it so far.
my personal machine is still win ME. with a back up 10g win98se hard drive.

icq#86325189 [sig][/sig]
Running a Athlon 750 with 128 PC133 Ram.
ME is Crap. I have Internet Explorier lock ups every day.
My system keeps telling me that I did not shut down properly on a regular basis. If I am doing multiple downloads my mouse pointer moves jerky like I am out of resource.
My old P2/400 overclocked with 128 PC100 is doing ok with ME but I am not on it everyday like my Athlon. I did see some performance improvement on that system with ME.
I guess if you can afford to go all Intel then you may be doing ok with ME ...........
i found WIndows 2000 ran applications better than Windows ME on my AMD 500 laptop. Even the Office suite crashed with ME. I may try ME on someone elses computer, like my sister's, i'm mad at her anyway.
-too late, her new Compaq laptop already has ME. poor thing!
um, no offence but saying Win2k runs better than WinME would almost always be &quot;Duh&quot;, it's kinda like comparing NT4 to Win98 , without Games and Multimedia hardware in consideration

Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

I had serious problems with ME when I first installed it, cause I upgraded from an earlier version. Your best bet is to do a new instalation. Back up all your data and stuff and format and start clean.
KCARNEIRO: As for the keyboard problem, your right, the drivers that come with the keyboard dont work with ME but if you go to microsofts webpage you can download the updated software, I had to do this cause I have that keyboard too. And just for the record, the KEYBOARD is a Microsoft Internet Keyboard, (or multimedia keyboard, depending on which features you have on it), not inteletype pro, the SOFTWARE that you use with it is called &quot;inteletype pro&quot;. This info might help when looking for the drivers on the microsoft webpage.
GRINGO_IL: winmodems are CRAP!!! You can get them for a couple of dollars all day long on ebay cause no one wants them, (and the people are very happy to get a couple of dollars out of them) Do yourself a favor and spring for a Data/Fax v.90 or something like that. You can get them many times for under $30 and they are usually really pretty easy to install. Im not tryin to hurt your feelings, just tryin to save you some headache, when microsoft whistler or whatever it is called comes out people will almost be forced to upgrade to it cause support for 9x will start to deminish, and you can feel certain that prehistoric &quot;winmodems&quot; will not be supported by this new OS. (which by the way will be well worth the wait, its like a home pc targeted version of NT or 2000, ditching MSDOS code altogether and will be based on the NT Kernel if Im not mistaken)
I installed ME and had to fight getting new drivers and reloading programs also. One thing to look at is the modem installed at a odd address. Not com 1 or 2 but maybe 5. If so is it a PCI modem. If so try a ISA or external and not a Winmodem. A good data/fax V90 or so. Doesn't have to be expensive. IF possible try another video card as some of them do conflict with other appliances. Try the webb site of your brand of computer if ready made and see if they mention an update for conflicts of video card with processor or others. Does everything seem to work for a few days and you think you have it then it goes bad like all at once. Check for conflicts. If say your video is changing on you and acting up and you have a PCI modem. Uninstall it in control panel/modems and shut computer down and take modem out and retry and see if everything works OK. (Video) If so this kinda proves your point. This can be done with other cards if not needed for operation.
so far so good
havent turned the windows ME off yet
and it has ran for 7 days straight
hasnt had a prob since i underclocked the ram back to 100
it hasnt givin me a prob with anything except Gamespy.
that progy likes to hang around when i close it and then it ends up not responding
but then when i end task of it everything is kewl .

if you like to use different desktop shells like Litestep or darkstep or any other shell progy ME seems to be pretty stable.
all ihave to do is log out and log back in to change desktop progys.
i like to use llitestep more than i do the explorer that comes with windows
i can configure the thing i want to use and leave in the background the things i use for graphics and stuff.
to me it seems to be a little more stable than runn explorer.
for Advanced users that arent affraid of gettin there hard drive dirty (heheh)
try it out
there are a ton of different themes u can use .
and if your a linux freak it gives ou the feels of linux on windows .
there is a release of winlinux 2000 and it seems to runn pretty smoothe too
it is install on the same hard drive .
well hopefully i wont have to turn it off .
ill keep posting my experiments.

while we are on the topic of shell replacements

litestep is good, except many linux users will yell at you for the remark you just made, since litestep *ONLY* resembles AfterStep from Xwindows(not linux) in any case I like this combination

Object Desktop (using windowsblinds, DesktopX, WinFX)
on Win2k, very stable under win2k, Litestep is more suited for Win9x, since trying to run object desktop on Win9x isnt as pretty and isnt as stable

stardock.com for more information.

Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

Problems? Oh yes. Frequent crashes and freezes. Mouse cursor moves on its own. Tried allsorts to fix it but it seems to be some problem with my Epox motherboard and Hercules 3D Prophet IImx video card. New drivers make no difference. Although I do like many of the features of WinMe it hasn't quite WonMe over just yet. I think I'll have to go back to 98se until someone somewhere comes up with a fix.
The posts here describe typical problems for a new OS (ME).
I have it preinstalled on a new computer with an Intel PIII 800 mhz and it runs without a problem, (after restoring the OS from the restore disk). Well, not without a problem. I have found that Netscape 4.7 causes a small problem: CPU usage steadily climbs over about 3 hour period, until it is maxed at continuous 100% until I close netscape. It then drops to normal. But, then I can't open Netscape again without a reboot. IE5 has been working just fine though.
Otherwise, it runs clean. I have left it up for a week, running some tasks, and then shut it down two or three times a day for a while. Under both conditions, it runs without errors and boots up about 20 times as fast as my old computer.

Note that prior to the restore, it had lots of problems, including failure to shut down without a manual shutdown, freezing while using MS Office products and other times without consistancy. The restore appears to have corrected whatever gremlins were bouncing around inside.
Thats kind of the problem, it should not exhibit the hicups of a new OS, especially since it's still based on long dated but revised Win98 code, WinME is nothing more than Win98 without DOS, some visual tweaks, and 80% downloadable freebies offered as new features.
Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

I just wanted to comment on something that jerryd said...

These problems are typical for a new OS, from Microsoft.

That is an important distinction to make, because I downloaded RH Linux 7 when it was a beta release, and except for 1 small bug, it's been working flawlessly.

An operating system full of bugs at release-time is possible, and some compaines are even doing it, just not Microsoft. Granted, they have the best games support and integrated office suite (for now), but I don't think the best OS. I have a dual boot machine with NT 4.0 WS and Redhat, and they both work very well.

People should know by now that the first 6-12 months of any release of a new MS operating system should be considered alpha software, and should know better.

Just my 2 cents, and advice on how to avoid the whole operating system problem... As always, I hope that helped!

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