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Major Problems with Google Stats 2

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Jan 18, 2005
I have a major problem with Google, they have trashed my account, all analytics is corrupt and campaign reports produce quadruple data for adverts.

I had been liasing with support, where they acknowledged the problem, and offered a solution, only it didn't fix anything, all they did was 'detach' my analytic account from my adword account. The analytic account was meant to be wiped and this was supose to fix my adword duplicate/quadruple data problem.

It has done nothing to solve the problem, infact , it's made things worse!

I emailed them explaining I needed this fixed, we are in Financial Services industry and there are strict laws on Financial Promotions, the FSA also state 2 very important factors.

1. If it isn't written down and recorded , it didn't happen!
2. You can outsource the job, you cannot outsource the responsibility.

So you can imagine how important my stats are as it is the only way i can account for our advertising on Google!

I have emailed support outlinging this, and now they are ignoring my emails, they seem to have no care for UK Law, disregard FSA obligations and think they don't have to account to anyone for anything, personally I hope the FSA investigate them and fine their ass!, they opporate in the UK and so MUST follow UK law, yet Google think they are above everyone and the law, they need bringing down to earth with a massive bang!

Anyhow, enough of my greivance.

I need this solved, easily if possible. I'm sure If I had to open a new account and start again I could get the £5.00 fee waived, but can I easily import my current ad groups and campaigns?

If I did import them, would it bring over the errors/problems?

Or is the only way to possibly sort this out is start again from scratch, it would be a nightmare creating all our campaigns and ad groups, and is there any guarantee the same thing wont happen all over again?

All advice much appreciated.

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!
...they seem to have no care for UK Law, disregard FSA obligations and think they don't have to account to anyone for anything, personally I hope the FSA investigate them and fine their ass!, they opporate in the UK and so MUST follow UK law, yet Google think they are above everyone and the law, they need bringing down to earth with a massive bang!
Ok man, whatever. After reading this (and many of your other posts), it's obvious that you have such hatred and disdain for Google that no matter what they do, no matter how hard they try, they will never meet your approval and you will never be satisfied with them. Many of your other threads relate to trying to "trick" or "cheat" Google in some way so that you can get higher rankings, and you've even gone so far in previous threads as to make such absurd accusations as:
...after all the millions Google have earnt and their super dooper, searching algorithm, basically it still doesn't work properly.
...I spend so much time worrying about getting into google, when if you look at their website code , it's a piece of s**t.

All the time i waste getting valid, symantec code as well, makes me wonder why I bother, but I won't stop caring, even if google is a pile of poo!

...We all spend hours doing our best to get into google, but semanticly google's site is a pile of poo full of errors.

I'm sure that Google goes out of its way to cheat you, hold your sites back, and they have gotten where they are because of non-functional algorithms and bad code.

While I'm sure you have a valid problem with your analytics situation, and I hope they address it and get it fixed for you very soon, I have a pretty good theory as to why they are "ignoring your emails". They're probably just as tired of putting up with you as you are with them. My advice would be to just pack up and walk away. Stop paying them, stop using them, stop having to go through each day full of frustration from them, just forget about Google and walk away. After all, isn't your health and mental well being more important than a web site rank?

Quotes like yours listed above are considered baseless, false accusations and will quickly cause you to lose respect and credibility in these forums. We're here to help people, not waste our time with personal rants and grievances because of your disdain for Google.

Hope This Helps!

ECAR Technologies

"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M.C. Escher
yeah whatever , you have no grasp of the gravity of the situation, and my posts are valid even if you disagree with them.

No-where on your site do I see "Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority"!

I'm am not trying to trick anyone and find that insulting, I may at times be misguided , frustrated or just simply don't understand, but that is no reason for you to make such a rediculous claim of my so called distain for Google.

Google has been my engine of choice for years, back when Lycos, Excite, Dog Pile etc, had just as many users/searches!

their algorithms don't always work , it is documented everywhere that PR is not acurate or particulary good at ranking anything, and there are many others trying to write better algorithms, including Google!

I've run their site through W3C and they don't validate, how is that a false accusation! (well at the time of posting they didn't anyhow!)

Big corporations and monopolies have a responsability above and beyond the norm, again recognised fact, no different than the so-called responsibility of celebrities or stars to their public and fans, whether you agree with it or not!

I have great concerns of not meeting certain criteria should an arrow visit be made upon us, whether they are founded or not, my job is not compliance , it is IT, and I am trying my best to ensure I do not breach any regulations, whether I understand the regulations or not.

You have nothing to guide your comments on regarding any correspondance between myself and google, unless you have been hacking my emails and if you have nothing helpfull to suggest , I repectfully request you do not post on any of my threads again!

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!
Given the ease of setting up a google analytics account, why not just sign up another account now so you have something going forward from here? It'll take but a moment to add a second analytics block of code to the page(s) required... and you then have an instant solution going forward.

The back-history can be dealt with over time... I'm sure they can recover data and that this can be made available.


[tt]Jeff's Page [!]@[/!] Code Couch

Make sure your web page and css validates properly against the doctype you have chosen - before you attempt to debug a problem!

Appreciated Jeff and yeah that was the initial plan, but it isn't just the analytics account that was corrupted, it was the adwords aswell!

The old analytic account was detached by support , which they claimed would fix everything, hmmm, no dice!

All reports in the adwords account gives screwy results, some show quadruple of an adgroup when there is only one.

Somehow, when I changed the destination URL, after creating the targeted landing pages it's created (internally I guess) another ad group, but it only shows on the report, not actually in the campaign, it's really weird.

That's why i'm so peeved, everything is caput, if it was just the analytics, it wouldn't be such a biggie, but having to create the entire thing from scratch will be a nighmare, but it looks like it's what i'm going to have to do.

like my plate isn't full enough at the moment!

Damn these pesky FSA rules, but hey , I understand what the FSA is trying to do, and accept TCF is trying to do the right thing, no different than accessibility , w3c standards etc., just a shame Google doesn't seem pay much attention to TCF! - (IMO)

One things for sure, there is no way I can account for the regulated activities we are currenty engaging in with the current reporting and stats Google is churning out, really not a good place to be, and although not our fault, as I previously mentioned, the FSA are very clear on "you can outsource the job but NOT the responsibility", great huh!

maybe i'm making a mountain out of a mole hill , the problem is with the FSA you never know until it's too late, for example..

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) today fined Abbey National companies a total of 2,320,000 for serious compliance failings. Abbey National plc was fined 2mn for breaches of the FSA's Money Laundering Rules

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has today fined Nationwide Building Society (Nationwide) £980,000 for failing to have effective systems and controls to manage its information security risks. The failings came to light following the theft of a laptop from a Nationwide employee's home last year.

yup nigh on £1 million fine, because an employee had their laptop stolen! - hardly their fault either!!!!!!!

when the FSA come to town they don't mess around!

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!
Umm, if it's that critical then either:

1. Don't outsource it
2. Outsource it but maintain a duplicate system in house

I wouldn't use Google analytics alone for monitoring a high volume site and certainly not one with legal repurcussions in the event of system failure.

AdWords is a little more tricky. But it should be possible to set up an internal analysis system that monitors ad spend vs clickthrough. Yes, it's work, but that's the way the cookie (pardon the pun) crumbles.

The best people to answer your questions regarding importing data and possible problems would be Google themselves.

Incidentally, isn't there a limit on the amount of traffic you are allowed to monitor with Google Analytics? I think it's a high traffic level but nonetheless - it's a free service, provided free for your convenience. If it's not up to the job, you need to find an alternative stats analysis system running on your own server's logfiles.


Tyres: Mine's a pint of the black stuff.
Mike: You can't drink a pint of Bovril.
well luckily this isn't a high traffic site, yet (hmm actually that's not luckily , I wish it was high traffic - lol)

it's not the analytical data that worries me, as I understand it the FSA don't care how many people see the advert, or who, what hey care about is what the advert said and what the webpage atached to the advert said!

which looking at other competitors adverts, and subsequent landing pages, it's obvious they haven't grasped the rules!

but that's their problem , not mine, all I care about is my website, my advert and my company's welfare.

Maybe i'm being selfish, but it's a cruel world out there :)

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!
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