(Great site by the way, just came across it and it looks like it will become my second home from now on)
I am relatively new to ASP and the world of web programming so please excuse me if I am asking obvious questions.
(Using ASP3.0, IIS5, VBScript, VB6 Components)
I am querying a SQL7 DB based on a search value submitted by my users (text box), the resultant data (if any) from the query is then populated into a <table> on the same ASP. The challenge lies in trying to remember each previous selection, after populating the <table> (the user usually performs at least 2 or 3 searches).
What I am doing is this;
Rendering first ASP page, which contains IFRAME with second ASP as src.
The second ASP page does all the DB search and return part. However I want to keep the returned data in the <table> from search 1, 2 etc even after searching for a 3rd or 4th part. I want the <table> to grow with each query. At the moment the <table> is being re-created with each submit of the search and hence only being left with the most recent search results from the DB.
Should I be using an array, if so where should I store it? Cookies? Session variable?
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
(ASP is like running thru mud just now)
(Great site by the way, just came across it and it looks like it will become my second home from now on)
I am relatively new to ASP and the world of web programming so please excuse me if I am asking obvious questions.
(Using ASP3.0, IIS5, VBScript, VB6 Components)
I am querying a SQL7 DB based on a search value submitted by my users (text box), the resultant data (if any) from the query is then populated into a <table> on the same ASP. The challenge lies in trying to remember each previous selection, after populating the <table> (the user usually performs at least 2 or 3 searches).
What I am doing is this;
Rendering first ASP page, which contains IFRAME with second ASP as src.
The second ASP page does all the DB search and return part. However I want to keep the returned data in the <table> from search 1, 2 etc even after searching for a 3rd or 4th part. I want the <table> to grow with each query. At the moment the <table> is being re-created with each submit of the search and hence only being left with the most recent search results from the DB.
Should I be using an array, if so where should I store it? Cookies? Session variable?
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
(ASP is like running thru mud just now)