Hi. I need to make a table (tblClientRealted) that has all the same data as my tblClient. I wrote an append query to populate is but do not want to have to append everytime a record is added to tblClient. Is there a way to make this happen more easily? I know you folks want to know why... I have a table that tracks how clients are related to eachother (not in a database way, in a personal way). The query pulls ClientID from the tblClient table and stores it, this is fine. But I want to be able to also store the related client data in a way that will display the RelatedClientID as well and the name of the RelatedCLient. Because of the way the relationships are set up the name that shows is the ClientID's name, not the RelatedClientID's name. I solved the problem by pulling both tables together in the query. I am new at this so it was the only way I knew how to do it and it works fine is I can get the cloned table to work. Worst case scenario I just delete tblClientRelated (weekly) and replace it with a copy of tblClient that I then name tblClientRelated. But since I am handing the database off to users I want it to work a little nicer than that!