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MAILTO without Encryption

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Dec 15, 2002
I have an online form that sends the results to a recipient use the "MAILTO" as the action. The mail client of the people submitting the forms in Netscape Messenger, while the browser is Internet Explorer. For someone who has their Netscape Messenger preferences setup so that all e-mail messages are encrypted, it will obviously try to send the message encrypted. Is there anyway to bypass this?? Please. Thank you in advance.
It will not encrypt it for anyone. The MAILTO action in a form is very basic. I haven't worked with Netscape Messenger, but I'm guessing that it only encrypts outgoing messages - the form will be sent as plain text.

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook (No, I'm not Rick)

I Have Netscape messenger as my e-mail client. If I use the netscape navigator to submit my e-mail form, it will send a basic message. If I use internet explorer, it sends the message using my Netscape preferences. In my preferences, I specify to encrypt and sign all my messages. So, when submitting the form to the address specified in the mailto: , and I don't have the certificate of that person, it will prompt me if I would like to cancel the encrytion. This is fine, but the biggest problem is that this warning message always appears behind the browser window, therefore I cannot even tell that it is there until I minimize all windows.
Thank you for responding.
Pure speculation: If the form was put in a popup window, then you could close() that window onsubmit and with that, would the prompt appear in a more convenient place?

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